Cyber Tec Blog

Catch up on the latest cybersecurity news, insights and advice from Cyber Tec Security.

Automate or Terminate: The Must-Have..


Louise Ralston Jul 16, 2024

Enhance your MSP cybersecurity strategy with automation, vulnerability analysis, and expert partnerships. Stay ahead in the fight against cyber threats and gain a competitive edge in the market.
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Why Cybersecurity is a journey, not just a check..


Louise Ralston Jul 1, 2024

Discover why cybersecurity is a continuous journey, not just a checkbox exercise. Learn about the importance of Cyber Essentials, penetration testing, and choosing the right partner for your cybersecurity success.
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Crafting a Digital Transformation Strategy: A..


Louise Ralston May 8, 2024

Crafting a comprehensive guide on digital transformation strategy, this blog outlines steps to assess current state, define vision, secure leadership buy-in, and develop a strategic roadmap for successful implementation.
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The Importance of Penetration Testing for SMEs:..


Louise Ralston Mar 14, 2024

Learn why penetration testing is crucial for SMEs to safeguard their digital assets, identify vulnerabilities, comply with regulations, enhance security, protect customer data, and make cost-effective security investments.
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The Ever Evolving Role of the MSP!


Louise Ralston Mar 7, 2024

Discover how Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can strengthen cybersecurity with a proactive approach and Cyber Essentials Certification. Learn about the evolving role of MSPs in safeguarding businesses against cyber threats.
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Is ISO an alternative standard to Cyber..


Louise Ralston Feb 29, 2024

Comparing ISO and Cyber Essentials for cybersecurity standards, this blog delves into their differences and importance in safeguarding against cyber threats.
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Is Your Supplier List Your Weakest Link?


Louise Ralston Feb 16, 2024

Discover why Cyber Essentials certification should be mandatory for suppliers to strengthen supply chain security and mitigate cyber threats. Safeguard your business and gain a competitive advantage.
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Cybersecurity in the Legal Sector: Embracing..


Louise Ralston Feb 12, 2024

Bolster cybersecurity in the legal sector by embracing Cyber Essentials and conducting regular vulnerability assessments.
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Exploring Real-World Examples of Digital..


Sam Jones Jan 16, 2024

Discover how digital transformation reshapes industries with our blog post 'Exploring Real-World Examples of Digital Transformation'. Dive into real-world cases from retail to healthcare, illustrating the pivotal role of digital innovation in modern business success. A must-read for forward-thinking professionals.
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The Importance of Vulnerability Scanning: Best..


Sam Jones Jan 10, 2024

Discover why vulnerability scanning is essential for businesses and learn best practices to ensure a secure network.
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Tailgating Social Engineering: The Unseen Threat..


Sam Jones Dec 6, 2023

Discover how to prevent 'tailgating' in cybersecurity: a simple act with serious consequences. Learn strategies to secure your business.
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Email Security and Social Engineering: Don't Take..


Sam Jones Nov 29, 2023

Learn how to shield your business from email-based social engineering attacks. Understand the risks and implement effective security measures.
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Whaling Phishing: The Catch You Never Want to Make


Sam Jones Nov 22, 2023

Discover key strategies to protect your business from whaling phishing, a serious cyber threat targeting top executives. Stay secure with us.
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The Critical Importance of Digital Transformation..


Sam Jones Nov 16, 2023

Explore the vital role of digital transformation in today's business landscape and how Cyber Tec Security guides SMEs in this journey.
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Streamlining Success: The Power of Modern Supply..


Sam Jones Oct 12, 2023

Discover the power of modern supply chain management systems and how they streamline operations and enhance efficiency in distributing goods and services. Explore the role of technology, such as AI and blockchain, and the importance of cybersecurity in this fascinating world.
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How Do Hackers Steal Passwords?


George Drennan Jul 25, 2023

A guide to the techniques hackers use to capitalise on security weaknesses and what you can do to stop them in their tracks.
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How do you overcome the cyber security skills gap..


Ellie Gabel Jul 11, 2023

Learn how to keep employees and businesses cyber safe in the global shift to remote working.
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It's World Password Day! Click here if you forgot.


Cyber Tec Security May 4, 2023

Is this the end of passwords?
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How Do Hackers Enter Your System? Exploiting..


Carl Torrence Apr 17, 2023

In this article we'll look in detail at some of the most common cyber attacks that hackers use to target individuals and organisations.
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Five Cyber Security Myths & How To Overcome Them


Dakota Murphey Mar 31, 2023

Five common cyber security inaccuracies and the updated, actionable advice to ensure optimum protection of your company’s systems, networks and people.
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Cyber Essentials UPDATE: Here's What You Need To..


Cyber Tec Security Mar 6, 2023

The Cyber Essentials standard is changing. Find out what IASME and the NCSC have been working on...
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The Password Book - Is it Risky or Rational?


Sam Jones Feb 7, 2023

With credential breaches happening left, right and centre - where are your passwords most secure, a password book or a password manager?
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What is Penetration Testing and why is it like..


Cyber Tec Security Feb 1, 2023

An article to explain the basics, the types and the alternative...
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How To Get The Cyber Essentials Logo On Your..


Cyber Tec Security Jan 30, 2023

Every website seems to have the Cyber Essentials logos but what are they and what can they do for your organisation?
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Don’t Panic! Here’s What To Do If You Clicked On..


Sam Jones Jan 24, 2023

Have you clicked on a phishing link? Learn how to do damage control here and avoid being fooled again!
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Black Friday Scams: What To Look Out For


Cyber Tec Security Nov 17, 2022

Black Friday scams can ruin anyone's fun when shopping for deals. Read on to find out what you need to be looking out for this Black Friday...
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How Should a Company Handle a Ransomware Attack?


Cyber Tec Security Nov 10, 2022

If your company has been hit or you're wondering what you would do in such a situation, find out our 6 steps for handling a ransomware attack...
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Types of Ransomware: The Risks and the..


Cyber Tec Security Nov 2, 2022

Ransomware attacks can be hugely damaging, but what are the different types of ransomware out there and how can businesses protect themselves?
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What is Social Engineering: The Ultimate Guide


Cyber Tec Security Oct 10, 2022

What is social engineering and how can you protect your business against these inevitable attacks? Read our Ultimate Guide to find out...
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Black Box Penetration Testing: What Is It and Is..


Cyber Tec Security Sep 28, 2022

Black box penetration testing is the name given to the style of testing where the pen tester is given no access to your systems and no inside knowledge...
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What is Supplier Due Diligence and Why is it..


Cyber Tec Security Sep 22, 2022

Performing supplier due diligence is essential for any company entering into a new working relationship with a supplier to reduce risk exposure...
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How to Prevent Ransomware Attacks


Cyber Tec Security Sep 6, 2022

Ransomware is one of the biggest cyber threats facing businesses today. Read on as we look at how ransomware affects companies and how to prevent attacks.
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What is Network Penetration Testing and How Can..


Cyber Tec Security Aug 23, 2022

One of the most common pen tests is network penetration testing. Read on to find out what's involved and what to consider before buying one...
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Don't Let Your Security Suffer Because of This..


Cyber Tec Security Aug 9, 2022

With so many business priorities and only a number of staff to dedicate time to them, cyber security can often fall off the radar...
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Cyber Security for Business: Back to Basics


Cyber Tec Security Aug 4, 2022

The fear of the complexity of cyber security convinces many of us to ignore it, until you can’t. Read on for a no-nonsense introduction to cyber security.
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5 Beliefs About Cyber Crime That are Putting Your..


Sam Jones Jul 26, 2022

Cyber security is now a bigger priority, but small businesses are still holding onto falsehoods that are putting them at risk...
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The Dream Team Your Company Needs


Cyber Tec Security Jul 19, 2022

IT teams do a great job at keeping businesses up and running, but there's someone else essential that every IT wizard needs by their side...
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How to Handle the Cost of Cyber Security


Sam Jones Jul 12, 2022

Is the cost of cyber security a big concern for your business? Read on as we aim to show you how to focus your budget to get the most value for money... 
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Top 5 Cyber Security Awareness Training Companies..


Ella Taylor Jun 28, 2022

Cyber security awareness training is an essential part of every company's cyber security strategy. Here are our top 5 companies offering training solutions
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5 Types of Penetration Testing Examined


Cyber Tec Security Jun 21, 2022

Learn more about the different types of penetration testing and how they can help to protect your business from cyber attacks.
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What is Clone Phishing and Does it Really Work?


Cyber Tec Security Jun 15, 2022

Clone phishing is a particularly insidious form of phishing that seeks to benefit from your existing trusted relationships. Read on to find out more...
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What is URL Phishing and How to Avoid an Attack


Sam Jones May 10, 2022

URL Phishing is a popular technique using malicious links and fake websites to extract sensitive information. Read on to learn how to avoid these attacks.
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How to Get Reduced Cyber Insurance for Your..


Cyber Tec Security Apr 22, 2022

Cyber Insurance premiums have risen over the last few years due to an increase in cyber incidents. How can businesses ensure they're protected on a budget?
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Securing the Metaverse: The Risks and..


Ella Taylor Mar 25, 2022

Zuckerberg defines the Metaverse as the moment when ‘immersive digital worlds become the primary way that we live our lives and spend our time’.
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Ukraine Cyber Attacks: What You Need to Know


Ella Taylor Mar 3, 2022

The tragic events in Ukraine dominating our news outlets have had implications in numerous areas. Here we look at what's happening in the cyber space...
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Top 10 UK Pen Testing Companies


Ella Taylor Feb 21, 2022

Choosing the right company to carry out a penetration test on your organisation is important - read on as we explore the top 10 UK pen testing companies.
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Cyber Essentials Checklist: Are You Cyber..


Sam Jones Feb 7, 2022

Do you have what it takes to pass Cyber Essentials Plus? Read on as we walk through the key technical requirements on your Cyber Essentials checklist...
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Cyber Essentials: What's New in 2022?


Cyber Tec Security Jan 18, 2022

The Cyber Essentials standard is changing. Find out what IASME and the NCSC have been working on and what we can expect the scheme to look like in 2022...
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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Security Risks


Sam Jones Dec 8, 2021

BYOD is no new concept. Allowing employees to use their own devices has a number of benefits but it is important to first address the security risks...
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What is Vishing and and How to Stop it Happening..


Sam Jones Nov 30, 2021

What is vishing? We use the term vishing to describe a kind of social engineering attack that happens over the phone...
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Top 5 Vishing Attacks and How to Avoid Them


Sam Jones Nov 23, 2021

Find out about 5 common vishing attacks and how to make sure you don’t get caught out by them.
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Phishing, Vishing and Smishing: What’s the..


Ella Taylor Nov 16, 2021

To the untrained eye, phishing, vishing and smishing might look like gibberish, but in reality, these are cyber threats that can be quite damaging.
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Cyber Essentials: Why Go Guided?


Sam Jones Oct 7, 2021

The Cyber Essentials assessment is in its most basic form a self-assessed questionnaire - but you don't have to go it alone! Read on to find out how...
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IASME Acquired by Phenna Group


Cyber Tec Security Oct 4, 2021

As of September 30th 2021, The IASME Consortium was acquired by Phenna Group...
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How to Identify Supply Chain Risk in Your Small..


Guest Contributor Jul 29, 2021

Mapping out the specific supply chain risks is the first step in building your risk management process.
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Top 6 Cyber Security Companies in Bristol


Sam Jones Jul 23, 2021

After a Bristol-based company that offers cyber security? We've narrowed down our top 6 companies below.
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How to Assess Supplier Risk in Your Supply Chain


Sam Jones Jul 19, 2021

Supplier risk management is key to your Supply Chain's security, but how do you know how secure your suppliers really are?
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6 Best Password Managers in 2021


Sam Jones Jul 12, 2021

Whether you're looking for personal password management or for your business, read on to discover who wins the title: 'best password manager 2021'
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Cyber Security for SMEs - Why Bother?


Sam Jones Jul 5, 2021

Cyber Tec Security and Police Digital Security Centre are working together to educate SMEs on the importance of cyber compliance and security standards...
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud..


Clive Madders Jun 14, 2021

In simple terms, cloud computing refers to anything that involves the delivery of hosted services over the internet, often on a pay-as-you-go basis.
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Wait! Do You Need a Penetration Test or a..


Sam Jones May 18, 2021

Pen Testing is a big name in the world of cybersecurity, but it's not the right approach for every business. Sometimes there's a much better solution...
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Top 4 Office 365 Security Concerns and Best..


Sam Jones May 5, 2021

With around 258,000,000 active monthly users, Office 365 is the go-to software suite for businesses. Here we explore common Office 365 security concerns...
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How to Manage Your Supply Chain Risk


Sam Jones Apr 27, 2021

How do you manage your supply chain cyber risks? Poor Supply Chain management can put you in a vulnerable position. All you need is an effective strategy..
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Top 5 Supply Chain Security Best Practices


Sam Jones Apr 19, 2021

We know how important suppliers are to a thriving business, but not at the cost of a cyber attack. Read on for some Supply Chain Security best practices...
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How Secure Is Your Supply Chain?


Sam Jones Apr 12, 2021

Weak supply chains are easy targets for cybercriminals and many businesses are still neglecting this area of their cybersecurity...
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What is Supply Chain Security and Why is It..


Sam Jones Apr 6, 2021

Supply Chain Security involves managing both physical threats and cyber threats, all the way from terrorism and piracy to non-compliance and data loss...
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Why 'If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it' is Bad..


Sam Jones Mar 3, 2021

Nothing lasts forever, and that couldn’t be more true of operating systems. If you're on end-of-life OS you could be putting your business at risk...
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Top 10 UK Cyber Security Companies


Sam Jones Feb 19, 2021

Finding the right cybersecurity solution is a daunting task, so we’ve put together a list of the top 10 UK cyber security companies
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NEW Partnership with the Police Digital Security..


Cyber Tec Security Feb 9, 2021

The Police Digital Security Centre is partnering with Cyber Tec Security, in a move designed to encourage UK SME’s to invest in their cyber security.
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Don’t Wait to Start Selling Cyber Essentials...


Sam Jones Oct 27, 2020

Torn between getting certified and getting sales? In this article, we'll show you how you can be doing both - right now...
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How Can UK Businesses Secure Their Supply Chain?


Sam Jones Sep 1, 2020

Third-party breaches are on the rise, it's more important than ever to secure your organisation to prevent being the cause of a supply chain breach...
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How to Sell Cyber Essentials Without Becoming a..


Sam Jones Jul 1, 2020

It's a common misconception that your business needs to be a certifying body in order to supply Cyber Essentials to the market...
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Small Businesses Don't Need Cyber Security,..


Sam Jones May 21, 2020

Small businesses are safe right? Unfortunately this couldn't be further from the truth. If you own a small business, here's why you may be in trouble...
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The 4 BEST Password Managers in 2020


Sam Jones Apr 15, 2020

There's plenty of password managers floating around the internet but which is the best for your business...
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Cyber Essentials Plus - Now 100% Remote!


Sam Jones Mar 31, 2020

How is it possible to achieve Cyber Essentials Plus within the current climate? It must be impossible right? Well, we've found a way to do it...
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31 Cyber Security Influencers You NEED to Be..


Sam Jones Mar 27, 2020

We've compiled a list of 31 cyber security influencers you can follow to make sure you never miss out on the latest news and insights again...
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11 Cyber Security Tips For Remote Working..


Sam Jones Mar 19, 2020

COVID-19 has forced many businesses to operate from home but what can staff do to stay secure? Let's find out...
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Why Your Suppliers Are Asking You To Get Cyber..


Sam Jones Feb 14, 2020

Have you recently had your suppliers ask you to get certified for Cyber Essentials? Here's what you need to know and do to be able to get certified...
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Cyber Essentials is Coming to America! What Does..


Sam Jones Nov 13, 2019

The UK Cyber Essentials scheme has been a huge success. CISA has decided to bring the scheme to America for their SMEs. Here's what it means...
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How Much Does Cyber Essentials and Cyber..


Sam Jones Oct 31, 2019

If you're thinking about Cyber Essentials for your organisation and wondering 'how much does Cyber Essentials costs?' read on for a full break down...
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How to get FREE Cyber Insurance


Sam Jones Oct 24, 2019

You can pay for your organisation's Cyber Insurance or you can get it free with a Cyber Essentials certification...
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How to Improve Cyber Security with Security..


Sam Jones Oct 17, 2019

So you've achieved Cyber Essentials but how do you improve your cyber security even further? Let's find out what SOC and SIEM tools can do for you...
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The Ultimate Guide To Cyber Essentials


Cyber Tec Security Oct 8, 2019

We've created this FREE Ultimate Guide to Cyber Essentials to help you understand the certification's fundamentals and answer all your questions...
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IASME Wins Cyber Essentials Partnership: What..


Sam Jones Oct 7, 2019

How does IASME winning impact your organisation? Is this a nightmare or an opportunity? Sit back and relax whilst I explain everything you need to know...
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What is a Subject Access Request and How Do I..


Sam Jones Oct 4, 2019

Here are 7 easy steps to providing the RIGHT information to your customers and dealing with subject access requests...
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Listening to Your IT Support Could Cost You 4% of..


Sam Jones Oct 4, 2019

Your IT support company are great but when it comes to Cyber Security, it's best to trust the experts...
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What is Cyber Essentials and Why Does It Matter?


Sam Jones Oct 4, 2019

The only government-backed cyber security standard in the UK is worth explaining, so let's get into it: What is Cyber Essentials...
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Is the Cyber Essentials Scheme Worth It For Your..


Sam Jones Oct 4, 2019

Too expensive? Value for money? Is the Cyber Essentials scheme right for your business? Grab your tea and a biscuit and let's dive into this...
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10 SUPER Surprising Cyber Essentials Benefits


Sam Jones Oct 4, 2019

Cyber Essentials offers a LOT more than you may have originally thought. Here are 10 Cyber Essentials benefits for your organisation...
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Four Steps to Building a Cybersecurity Strategy -..


Sam Jones Jul 5, 2019

If you're an SME there's a good chance you could experience a data breach. Here are 4 steps for building a cybersecurity strategy that keeps hackers out...
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The Difference Between Cyber Essentials and Cyber..


Sam Jones Jul 4, 2019

Cyber threats are ever-growing and businesses are seeking accreditation like Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus - but which is right for you?
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Do I Need Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials..


Sam Jones Jul 3, 2019

Struggling to get to grips with Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus? - Here's what you need to know and why people are asking you to get it...
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About us

Cyber Tec Security are an IASME qualified Certification Body, working to improve the security health of businesses across the UK by achieving the Cyber Essentials certification.

We help businesses through the certification process and beyond, with advanced solutions such as Ongoing Compliance, SOC & SIEM, Penetrating Testing and much more – so you can achieve maximum security all under one roof.
