Cyber Tec Blog

Cyber Essentials | Catch up on the latest cybersecurity news, insights and advice from Cyber Tec Security.

Jul 1, 2024

Why Cybersecurity is a journey, not just a check..

Discover why cybersecurity is a continuous journey, not just a checkbox exercise. Learn about the importance of Cyber Essentials, penetration testing, and choosing the right partner for your cybersecurity success.
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Mar 7, 2024

The Ever Evolving Role of the MSP!

Discover how Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can strengthen cybersecurity with a proactive approach and Cyber Essentials Certification. Learn about the evolving role of MSPs in safeguarding businesses against cyber threats.
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Feb 29, 2024

Is ISO an alternative standard to Cyber..

Comparing ISO and Cyber Essentials for cybersecurity standards, this blog delves into their differences and importance in safeguarding against cyber threats.
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Feb 16, 2024

Is Your Supplier List Your Weakest Link?

Discover why Cyber Essentials certification should be mandatory for suppliers to strengthen supply chain security and mitigate cyber threats. Safeguard your business and gain a competitive advantage.
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Feb 12, 2024

Cybersecurity in the Legal Sector: Embracing..

Bolster cybersecurity in the legal sector by embracing Cyber Essentials and conducting regular vulnerability assessments.
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Mar 6, 2023

Cyber Essentials UPDATE: Here's What You Need To..

The Cyber Essentials standard is changing. Find out what IASME and the NCSC have been working on...
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Jan 30, 2023

How To Get The Cyber Essentials Logo On Your..

Every website seems to have the Cyber Essentials logos but what are they and what can they do for your organisation?
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Feb 7, 2022

Cyber Essentials Checklist: Are You Cyber..

Do you have what it takes to pass Cyber Essentials Plus? Read on as we walk through the key technical requirements on your Cyber Essentials checklist...
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Apr 19, 2021

Top 5 Supply Chain Security Best Practices

We know how important suppliers are to a thriving business, but not at the cost of a cyber attack. Read on for some Supply Chain Security best practices...
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Oct 27, 2020

Don’t Wait to Start Selling Cyber Essentials...

Torn between getting certified and getting sales? In this article, we'll show you how you can be doing both - right now...
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Jul 1, 2020

How to Sell Cyber Essentials Without Becoming a..

It's a common misconception that your business needs to be a certifying body in order to supply Cyber Essentials to the market...
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About us

Cyber Tec Security are an IASME qualified Certification Body, working to improve the security health of businesses across the UK by achieving the Cyber Essentials certification.

We help businesses through the certification process and beyond, with advanced solutions such as Ongoing Compliance, SOC & SIEM, Penetrating Testing and much more – so you can achieve maximum security all under one roof.
